1st workshop / PACT Zollverein, Essen: January 24th to 31st 2010

2nd workshop / CENTQUATRE, Paris: March 29th to April 4th 2010
Public presentations: Saturday April 3rd, 1pm - 7pm, free
Portes ouvertes : Samedi 3 avril, 13h - 19h, gratuit >>

3rd workshop / ¨cˇu'm„a*, Istanbul: October 3rd to 10th
Public presentations: Saturday October 9


Bouge le Jardin / Walk the Garden

« Walk the garden » is a project created with and for the inhabitants of the 104 neighborhoods.

A set of participatory mobile gardens stroll the streets of the 19th and 10th district inviting the passer-by to participate in a joint creation. The initial idea is very simple: turn 5 shopping carts into green pretexts to start conversations and turn, turn and turn them around the island of 104 to finally populate it with plants and stories from its surroundings.

Hello. Would you maybe have a small sprout or a flower on your balcony, in your kitchen, at your window you could offer to the garden that trots at your encounter?”

The plants rooted in the carts wandering around the city are the portrait of the generosity of its inhabitants. They are literally the fruit of a common initiative - that of cultivating at the 104 the taste of people whom it hosts and of offering a space to cherish the time they might spend together while gardening or discussing, doesn’t matter.

In order to allow the participants to come and visit their own work of art, and to offer the project bigger visibility we propose to leave “walk the garden” in the space of the Hall Curial for the length of one week (3 – 10 April). All the plants should survive without any problems as the mobile gardens are equipped with high quality materials. At the end of the exhibition time, if possible, we would insist on replanting all the plants in the external gardens of 104.

Thank You in advance


« Bouge le jardin » est un jardin du partage, un jardin de rencontre fabriqué avec et pour les habitants qui respirent autour du 104.

Jardin participatif mobile, il a germé sur une idée simple : transformer des charriots de supermarché en jardinières de conversation, et tourner, tourner dans les rues autour de l’île 104 pour les garnir de plantes, les remplir de sourires.

Bonjour, auriez-vous une petite pousse sur votre balcon, dans votre cuisine ou n’importe où chez vous, à partager, à offrir au jardin qui roule à votre rencontre ?

Les plantes enracinées dans ces caddies poussés sur les trottoirs sont le portrait de générosités additionnées, sont le fruit d’un élan commun pour cultiver au 104 la saveur des gens qui l’entourent, pour y rouler des terrains de discussion, pour y marcotter l’envie d’échanger.

Pour donner une plus grande visibilité au projet « Bouge le jardin » et permettre a tous ceux qui y ont contribué de venir visiter l’œuvre dont ils sont co-auteurs, nous proposons de prolonger la vie des jardins mobiles. Nous désirerions que les jardins participatifs « habitent » la Halle Curiale du 3 au 10 avril, avant d’être si possible gentiment replantés dans les jardins extérieurs du 104.

Merci d’avance

Mme Solange Veyre; Ecole 17 rue de Tanger; Paroisse Notre Dame des Foyers; Mr Manuel et Mme Maria Da Silva; Mr et Mme Marques; Mme Croisie; Mme Atias Djamila (O Rendez-Vous Délice, rue Mathis); Mouhamad du Centre Sportif Mathis; Doritz Gourysco; Mr Tenga de la Pharmacie 22/24 rue d’Aubervilliers; Amrouche du Restaurant Le Mediterrant; Mr Jean-Marc Brossier; Hôtel Campanille Paris; Mr Marco Mota; Mlle Cynthia; Institut d’Esthétique Fontaine



Scraps (2:31)
is a part of the And You Can Use This Too project by :
Lucie ANTUNES - Camille BAUDELAIRE - Fuat METE - Ellen REID -
And the kind second hand donations of the artists in residence at CENTQUATRE.



can one confront his/her internal battle through the audience?

can the audience feel empathy?

what do these connections symbolize?

how much can femininity be reflected under a black covering?

Is this covering a border or a freedom?

Is the heard kara same with the listened kara?

*KARA means dark in turkish

performer: eda gecikmez

sounds: tuna pase

2010~paris, 104


White Balloon #3

White Balloon #3 by - Mohammad Abbasi, Madjid Tahriri, Uri Turkenich, Chang-wen Hsu and Yu-Hsuan Wei


Group 8 - "CENT QUOI?" performance



group 8:

marita bullman

eda gecikmez

seda hepsev

artur holling

tuna pase

evamaria schaller

damiaan veens

3 april 2010


Group 7

Come to Pact and celebrate with us Kulturhauptstadt Europas Ruhr 2010!
Come on over and enjoy an evening with art students from all over the world.
Turn around, bump into a German.
Make a step to the left and meet a Turk.
One step to the right bump an American. Turn around and join a French.

Let's dance together the national RuhrTrott!

Group 7
Agnieska Ryszkiewicz
Ana Gouveia
Erwann Cohignac
Fulya Uçanok

The Process (briefly)

1st day – Monday - 25th January

Speed dating, pecha kucha and group creation.
Decision day - Aleatory choice or a bit by chance. Snow gathered some and it spread to the others....
What is the darkside? Cadavre exquis and brainstorming just to get started.
Collaboration v.s cooperation.

2nd day – Tuesday – 26th January
Tree improvisation with a lot of materials and exploring snow. Collection of sounds and maps - 'Where is Pact?' - nearby Pact-Zollverein.
Presentation of the visual maps collected and reading of a cadavre exquis.
At the end of the day decision to stay or not in the group.

3rd day – Wednesday - 27th January

Creation of flyers to distribute.
Continuation of 'Where is Pact?' in Essen, collection of sound and maps – inviting people to come on saturday.

4th day – Thursday - 28th January
Can you show us the RuhrTrott? Collection of movements in Gelsenkirchen and nearby Pact-Zollverein, distribution of invitation to come on saturday.
Music composition at the same time

5th day – Friday - 29th January

Collection of some names for the film and distribution of invitations
Composition of the dance and adjustments with the music and the video showing the process; rehearsals with different people to test
piano jam session and new recordings

6th day – Saturday - 30th January

Last rehearsals and last adjustments.
Sound installation and maps exhibition in Pact's entrance – Where is Pact?
Video projection near the bar – Can you show us the RuhrTrott?
17h – Agora/ Feldstärke opening to the public
22:15 - final presentation 'Deep in-Pact – The RuhrTrott' taught to all present and flash party.

This encounter is a discovery!
And for our group, besides the oneself and group discovery, we found out the streets and people of Essen, the inhabitants of Gelsenkirchen and most of all the RuhrTrott - the local dance of Ruhr.
It was fantastic to contact people asking for an ancient dance longtime gone and to propose a reinvention!

The presentation divided itself into the teaching of the dance, the music made by Fulya and the videos which Erwann composed. The music reported to all the collection of sounds recorded and the videos reported to the sharing of movements by local people. And to support the final presentation we had the sound collection and map exhibition 'Where is Pact?' and the video with the collection of movements 'Discovering the RuhrTrott - Can you show us the RuhrTrott?'.

Thanks to all the participants in the film and to all the enthusiasm felt during the presentation at Pact-Zollverein.

The RuhrTrott is here to stay!

we are essen.


description of process

4 + ever= group of 5

On the first day the workshop participants of „Agora 2010/Feldstärke International“ were confronted with the task of forming groups in which they would like to work. Apparently all of us did not involve in the group finding process, because of a reject to the situation of having to chose people that you want to work with and others that you do not want to work with after getting to know everybody on the same day. In the end the five of us turned out to be the only ones not being already organised. Therefore we were put into one group and started to think about how to deal with the situation of being a group that arbitrarily chose itself/was chosen. We decided to act as if we were friends that know each other for a long time and are spending their holidays together in 2010's cultural capital of Europe: Essen. We wanted to focus on things that are normally considered unimportant in the process of art making because they lack the seriousness of the prospect of producing art.

We proceeded by faking a day of vacation in the area of Zollverein on the next day. We collected a number of activities that friends could do on vacation and enacted them in a strict schedule. In our presentation on the same day we showed this material in photo slide shows, video streams and exhibited how we planned the day. In the end we invited the other workshop participants to come outside with us to spend some time at a fire that we had been constructing in the day. Faking enthusiasm turned out to be great fun.

We decided to explore our topic more, because we observed that our experiences of the day before were nice but stayed on a very pictorial level that did not so much transport different aspects of friendship and the relation between what is considered working and what is not considered working. We decided to go on a shopping tour to the city center of Essen. After the very productive first day the second one – that we wanted to spent in a passive fashion – turned out to be rather boring. We keep on exploring our topic by doing further activities on the next days: we inscene a party in a hotel room in the next morning, play silly games, become depressed and discuss topics like group dynamics, functionality. work, procuct and fun. On purpose we act not goal-oriented but rather go for small aims/ideas that show up. From the outside this might seem as if we do not spent the research time that is offered to us in Essen productively, but just act as irresponsible young people.

On the day before the final presentation the context is responding to our activities by naming them not being „art“. We are asked what we did in the week and if it really was not more than just having fun. We are asked if we digged deeper into our topic or if we just stayed on the surface of things. We are a bit confused about this critic coming from a representative of the context that we are working in. We ask ourselves if we had communicated a too negative attitude towards the whole project wondering about why the pressure to production is not regarded as an effect of the art founding structures that both sides, the context and the participants, have to deal with, but enacted as professional opinion. Why are we asked to present something which could easily be considered as art by following a number of set rules. It became apparent to us that by having to enact our faked friendship in activities in which you try to have fun, our topic changed because this approach directly opened up the question of what is considered only „fun“ and spending your time in an unjustified relaxed fashion and what is a serious approach towards „art making“. At the same time this question about the economical structures that we are working in already refers back to our starting point of how to structure coming together, how to come to a common point that works. We decide to try to justify our activities by explaining them, quickly write a manifesto and try to make our process transparent. At the same time we plan what to show on the next day.

English mistakes are accidentally!

Group #1: The Beast 2 - échantillon

the beast 2 - échantillon #6 from Piotr Petrovich on Vimeo.

uploaded by Peter

Manifesto (4+ever= group of 5)


( Group of 5 ) aka

( 4+ever= group of 5 )

  • We don't eat, we work while eating!

  • We are not serious in doing our work but we are serious in our fun!

  • Our fun is hard work!

  • We are aware of “professional attitude” as a regime, and we are working on it!

  • We are not politically incorrect!

  • We are good friends that don't know each other!

  • Being critical is excessive!

  • We are honest in faking!

  • We don't care if we look fake or honest!

  • We are already a product that produces other products!

Or/ We are a product that produces itself over and over again but in different meanings and constellations!

  • As long as our gestures and actions are captured to make certain means, let's do meaningless actions!

  • Who smiles first in the staring game, loses!

Note: This manifestation was written in the context of AGORA 2010/ Feldstärke International in Pact-zollverein, Essen, Germany. It represents some of our political positions in relation to work and its mechanism, production, product and related matters of working groups. 

Group #1: The View - échantillon #5

The View - échantillon #5 from Piotr Petrovich on Vimeo.

posted by Peter

Group #1: The Beast - échantillon #4

The Beast - échantillon #4 from Piotr Petrovich on Vimeo.

by Peter

Group #1: facescanns

uploaded by Peter


group 9

shooting the shoe thing (échantillon #1)

camera by peter
piano by simon
skateboards by eva and uri
hands by berkay


4plusEver=5 Makingof

4plusEver = 5 - Makingof from Dilek Altan.
We formed a group of five and spent the evening and the next day as best friends. Many thanks to all the people that took the pictures on our vacation trip. Nadine - we love you!

Sebastian > A**hole
Enad > Liar
Maya &
Dilek > Spies/Spice
Ivan > D***head

Gruppe #1 - Monday 25.01.2010



Wednesday's research (Group 4 boys)

Two elevators
Arthur, Damiaan, Fuat, Nicolas

Tuesday's presentation (Group 4)

23 laptops making noise
Arthur, Damiaan, Fuat, Nicolas, Tuna



If anyone is interested to read about collaborations, here is an interesting text from Florian Schneider: Collaboration: The Dark Site of the Multitude, it also connects to Stephan's topic about the dark side. It seems like the right place to ask - What is the dark side of AGORA 2010 / Feldstaerke instrenational? - Enjoy, Uri.

Pecha Kucha

1 image x 44 students x 2 minutes = Pecha Kucha

Instructions received by all participants by email:

"Pecha Kucha Afternoon
To get to know each other we would like to give all participants the chance to introduce themselves on Monday afternoon with a small kind of presentation. You provide one picture which you regard as especially representative for your artistic work / working field / working interest . You'll send it to us for a powerpoint presentation which will be shown on Monday afternoon. Every one of you will have two minutes to present his or her picture and thoughts about it to the group.
So the �Pecha Kucha Afternoon� is just about presenting two minutes to introduce yourself and your own perspective on a current topic.
You can find more information about the original pecha kucha on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pecha_Kucha
Please send your picture as a jpg file (no more than 4 MB) by 15.01.2010 latest to the following address: ingo.kaulbars@tanzplan-essen-2010.de"


by courtney

24.01.2010 - 1st day @ pact

1st day @ pact


4 + ever = group of 5

we started today

By Enad

YES or NO (sunday 24 jan)

Yes : 79 %
No : 21 %

day1//speed date

by atif.

is it real life?


Experience on Day 2

Sometimes I wonder if I'm in the right place at the right time - this is not one of those times. I am so grateful to have been accepted as a participant of the FELDSTARKE Program. The feeling I got today from the moment I hopped, or wobble - whatever you call moving when you've been on a plane, four in fact, for twenty hours - and got on the train from the Dusseldorf airport was pure success and confidence. A dream of mine has/is coming true: To travel the world as an artist and work with talented individuals - searching for something greater - from different cultures, lifestyles, and disciplines. We began the day by splitting into groups. I traveled to Dortmund with other participants to look at the Union Brewery. The train ride there was nice and beautiful. Peter and Eva were our guides informing us about the history of the area and the building itself. peter also informed me about this history of his family and how he came to live in Dortmund.

With not much time, we walked through this area to Kunstlerhaus Dortmund. There we viewed photography of selected students and residents. I enjoyed the works of Tamara Lorenz specifically her book of photography called so oder so, Kathi Shroder, Agata Madejska, Angela Kovacs, and Ariette Grotkamp. After we walked around the building we spend about thirty minutes upstairs eating lunch before we had to leave for the train and tram back to PACT. Later this day we also presented our Pecha Kucha evening, where we discussed who we are and what we are interested in as people and artists. It is possible to have many unique and talented individuals in one room. After this presentation we were to decide who we wanted to work with in a group this week - not an easy task. I wish we had more than one week here to work with people, but maybe this is a good thing. You pick your group and focus all day and work until the end of the week. I'm so excited for what is to come. -Toussaint
